
WHBIA will engage our members by advancing mutual needs and interests through regular communications; newsletters, notices and posts on our new website. This effort will also assist our members in dealing with our city and province – by advocacy and aid in pursuit of grants, subsidies, infrastructure enhancements and improving business policies.

Our first priority will be to create and use our website as an online portal wherein our members can interact, share success stories, create content, reach out for assistance, promote each other, get information, perform surveys and receive Board reports and activity updates.

Our members should feel part of this organization – leading to more volunteers and a sense of togetherness in entrepreneurial partnership; thereby strengthening our organization in presence and influence. The website will provide opportunities for all members to connect with the Board, WHBIA staff and engage each other in common pursuits.

Expected Result: Networking will assist in the development and advancement of our business community with services which the membership values. WHBIA will identify priority needs of its members and advocate in support of those needs. Through collaboration with its stakeholders, WHBIA will become the key resource for its members to build capacity for their success. The measure of such success will be reflected through increased volunteerism, regular communications with our membership, survey participation and social media analytics. It will aid the BIA in identifying areas for improvement, re-direction of resources and funding, or discontinuance of non-progressive efforts.


1. WHBIA is the consolidated voice of all members advocating for a results-oriented approach to resolving issues and concerns that affect the wellbeing of our members.

Expected results: The community will be inspired to embrace this concept by mobilizing themselves, their creativity, community resources, stakeholders and partnerships to make the vision a reality.

2. WHBIA will assist in creating a more fulfilling, active and economically successful workplace environment as a place to establish a business and as a place to live, work, and play.

Expected results: More private sector-led investment will be evidenced through capital improvement to buildings, façade enhancements, new business growth and the creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.


1. Priority Initiative: WHBIA will work with our stakeholders to host and enable more events.

Expected results: Increased frequency of events and extended season for events that bring more people to our commercial neighbourhood.

2. Priority Initiative: Seek more funding opportunities through grants and partnerships to hold more events.

Expected results: Increase shopper presence.

Methodology, WHBIA will:

  • Apply a mechanism to nurture our business community, create opportunities for expansion and pursue a zero vacancy rate. It will research optimum paths; seeking cost-effective measures to improve economic growth.
  • Conduct market research with stakeholders to generate and increase business activities by developing market-based strategies that will bring customers into the WHBIA area.
  • Conduct a best practices review, competitive analysis and benchmarking of industry initiatives and innovations.
  • Create a branding initiative which will include/bond with stakeholders, community partners and local residential associations.
  • Provide help for the rental of vacant properties within WHBIA by postings on our website, façade improvements, market analytics, customer attraction strategies and available funding sources.

Welcoming Experiences

1. Priority Initiative: WHBIA will work to lead the development of a “brand” and promote appearance based on unique streetscape improvements with special consideration for improvements which ease senior and handicapped shoppers’ mobility (Accessibility for Ontario with Disabilities Act).

Expected results: Create a visually more attractive commercial neighbourhood.

2. Priority Initiative: Partner with WHBIA members to improve service levels, hours of operation and accessibility.

Expected results: Increased positive response from local consumers and tourists.

3. Priority Initiative: Negotiate with the City to resolve issues of parking, general maintenance, waste removal and snow removal efficiencies.

Expected results: Increased positive experiences of local consumers and visitors resulting in greater attendance throughout all seasons.


Develop measures which identify opportunities for continuous improvement.


1. Priority Initiative: WHBIA to become the consolidated voice of our members advocating solutions with all levels of Government ensuring the advancement our interests.

Expected results: Greater influence with the decisions that affect WHBIA.

2. Priority Initiative: Through collaboration, bring prioritization to the issues that affect the wellbeing of our members such as graffiti removal, pursue safety and security initiatives, beautification, socio-economic challenges and shared prosperity.

Economic Opportunity

1. Priority Initiative: Provide means for all members to enhance their business skills and abilities, create ‘a Shop Wychwood Heights’ campaign, build all-members online presence, create sector specific campaigns and enhance overall customer attendance.

Expected results: Greater sales generation from outside the community, economic growth and building the capacity for e-shopping.

2. Priority Initiative: Provide opportunity for all members to take advantage of any events held by creating unique marketing initiatives, group buying of advertising and service sector participation.

Expected results: Increased economic success, reduced vacancy rates and less business/tenant turnover.